Thursday 27 February 2014

Parallax Mapping tests in UDK

More images and the shader network for the parallax occlusion map in UDK The reddish one is using a red light with a higher specula to make it look more like metal and the bottom is a darker lighting set up with a matte specular look for a more concrete material to the walls.

Project not dead - Some updates and progress work

The current state of the doom project is on hold due to certain circumstances and will resume soon. For now i'll post some current progress work of some early stuff from a while ago. But this project definitely isn;t dead, just put on the back burner for a while.

Scale level blockouts in Maya, I am using these as a base to build the detail assets from, Having everything remade like this is exactly the same as the original doom so it works very well as a base underlay to start seeing what i can do with the modelling process of each asset, what assets i will need and how they will snap etc

Just some basic assets and texture recreation Both in Maya currently.

Just having a go at tweaking a Parallax Shader which i manage to get from a friend over at the unreal forums a while back. The shader uses parallax occlusion but there are some areas with a lot of problems with it when applied to my custom texture maps which i am in the process of fixing. Still debating with my self whether to use A parallax shader like this or actually model the walls in 3D with high poly normal bakes on top to give crisp details. 

This is currently the Same wall texture with high poly normal bake but applied to an actual low poly modelled geometry rather than faked through parallaxed on a flat surface.

Just extracted the doom 3 Hell Knight model and put it into UDK, i also rezed up the the diffuse, normal and spec maps and did some color correction and contrast boosting to bring the texture out a bit more. I probably am planning to remodel all the original doom monsters to the exact (close as i can get) design rather than just import all the Doom 3 models, though its just a nice to have a base model in there for testing purposes, and just to see how doom 3 models would look in UDK haha

Friday 17 May 2013

Doom re-imagined with Unreal Development Kit

There is quite a few doom remake projects out there, Zdoom, Jdoom and the doom reborn. What This project plans and sets out to achieve is to remake firstly the environments and models up to current gen graphical quality bathed in the beautiful lighting that Unreal offers.

Being an artist at heart not having much skill or knowledge with technical aspects of design in the UDK environment, for now the project stands as a visual remake on my part. But hopes are that down the line once the levels have began coming together well that the project will spark some interest from the community and would be able to acquire some help in the technical department for building gameplay purposes aswell as some help in the animation department to bring the new enemy models to life once completed.

For the time being the project is in early stages of just starting. currently modifying and tweaking all the Jdoom textures and beginning the modelling process for the assets and environmental details. all assets will be modelled at a In-game mesh LOD and a high poly mesh for baking normal maps and in some areas, parallax maps. Environmental effects will also be completely re-done with UDK's particle system editor.